Email from the coach!

Aug 30, 2010 | |

"rock climbing team starts again!!!
practices will resume september 20th.
all practices are 4-7pm

keep in mind you are all welcome to attend all practices. no other team in the country offers practice 5 days a week. lets take advantage of this make some practices.

the pre season team meetings will be as follows.
seattle gym monday sept 13th
everett gym tuesday sept 14th
and i am moving the redmond one to wednesday sept 15th.
all these meetings are at 6pm.
this is for team members and parents.
please feel free to come early and get your rock climb on.
i also would like to answer and questions or concerns the parents or climbers have about this upcoming season. so please come prepared with some questions if you have them.

please get me your shorts order (boys) and your bag order (everyone) i will be making these orders this week.
if you need shoes, the same process as last year is in effect.
if you need harnesses, we can deal with that when team starts.

also, there is a fun time competition at the Tacoma Vertical World. it is saturday sept 18th. 10am-5pm check the link either on the VW facebook or here . it will be redpoint format and it will be awesome. this should be a good time to get dialed back in in a low key no pressure event.
this comp has been thrown together on short notice for us, but that does not mean that it will be any less awesome. however, i of course have tickets to the husky vs. nebraska game which i have had for months. so there is a really good chance that i will not be staying for the whole event. but adam, and ross and josh will all be there."



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